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Available Consoles
For the Building of M&O Opus Instruments

Marshall & Ogletree Opus Organs include consoles custom-built to the very highest standards of physical quality in the organ industry, and are created using the finest materials and components which can be identified, regardless of cost. As a result, the most expensive single component of a bespoke M&O Opus Organ is its glorious console.
From time to time, however, we are pleased to take in an interesting and superior-quality pipe organ console, usually in trade from an Opus customer. It is possible to completely rebuild and refinish these consoles from top to bottom, creating professionally restored and customized consoles

Mouse over images to see a brief description of each console

for M&O Opus Organs. When rebuilt, these consoles will include our proprietary M&O ForeSight™ organ control system, our proprietary M&O Alternate Stops­™ with divisional displays, digital hall-effect key contacts with velocity-sensing MIDI output and all of the other features and capabilities which our bespoke Opus Organ consoles have become famous for.

Casavant Opus 2545 console & M&O Opus 14 console

Now at Church of the Ressurection, Episcopal, Greenwood, SC

This presents an exciting opportunity for customers to be able to select from a group of superior quality pre-owned consoles as the starting point for their new Marshall & Ogletree Opus Organ. As added benefits, they can be made ready for installation more quickly than scratch-built consoles can, and at considerable cost savings as well.
If you think that one of these beautiful and distinguished consoles might be applicable to your situation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us to explore the idea. We'd be happy to work with you to build an amazing M&O Opus organ for your home or institution.

Copyright 2024  Marshall & Ogletree, Inc.    |    Needham, MA    |    |    781-444-5790  |  All rights reserved 

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